Welcome to the Press Coverage page of GPT4o, your trusted source for cutting-edge AI insights and updates. Here, you’ll find a collection of media mentions, articles, and features highlighting our journey, achievements, and contributions to the AI community.

Press And Media Mentions

1. TechCrunch – “OpenAI debuts GPT-4o ‘omni’ model now powering ChatGPT”
Date: May, 2024
Summary: TechCrunch delves into how GPT4o is transforming the way users interact with AI, featuring interviews with our key team members and showcasing our innovative solutions.
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2. Wired – “OpenAI’s GPT-4o Model Gives ChatGPT a Snappy, Flirty Upgrade”
Date: May, 2024
Summary: Wired explores the future of AI through the lens of GPT4o’s groundbreaking work, discussing our latest projects and the impact we’re making in the industry.
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3. The Verge – “OpenAI releases GPT-4o, a faster model that’s free for all ChatGPT users
Date: May 25, 2024
Summary: The Verge covers GPT4o’s role in the AI revolution, focusing on our unique approach to AI development and the innovative applications of our technology.
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Featured Articles

1. OpenAI’s new GPT-4o lets people interact using voice or video in the same model
Date: May 13, 2024
Excerpt: “GPT4o is not just an AI company; it’s a vision of what AI can become. With its forward-thinking approach and commitment to excellence, GPT4o is setting new standards in the industry.”
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3. “OpenAI wants you to think GPT-4o is your new best friend” — BusinessInsider
Date: May 1, 2024
Excerpt: “GPT4o is shaping the future of AI with its groundbreaking technology and visionary leadership. This feature dives into the company’s latest developments and future plans.”
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Interviews/Video on GPT-4o

1. Introductory Video | Open AI Official

We are thrilled to be recognized by these esteemed publications and grateful for the opportunity to share our story. Stay tuned for more updates as GPT4o continues to make waves in the AI industry.

For media inquiries or more information, please contact us at media@gpt4o.onl.

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